Wednesday, May 07, 2008

May >> April

April ended a complete write off. Stuck -£2.85K online and £330 live (playing all of 1 tourney). It was looking up towards the end though, i won a small donkament for like $1.3K and playing less volume was defo helping.

This form has continued into May and how i'm running is sick different! Won 2 donkaments in 2 days.

Firstly the $25r 6max on ipoker for $3.3K on sunday for the 2nd time this year. Played pretty well in this and pretty much mowed the final after the big stack made a spaz call with KTo and doubled me up with my AK. I got HU with said opponent and lolowned him pretty easily.

Then I won the $20K on crypto the next day for $5.8K. Ran great from 20 til the final going from like 16K @ 800/1600 to 70K. Even though i went on lifetilt as i get dc'd on blonde while deepish in the $109 fo then them locking my account so it took me 15mins to get it sorted to carry on playing! I got to the final 2/10 but started getting 3bet shipped on and was soon bk in the pack with like 10bb's. I shoved in EP with 33 and got snapped by MP2's 99. But peeled a 3 ball of with ease. I then got to see a K6x flop with K6o and got dbled through by KQ. At this point i had like 200K vs 5 ppl with 70-100K each, i busted another guy with AQ > AK (i run good) and there was no looking back.

I had another potential great day today finalling the pty $10r and the tilt 20r. But came like 7th in both for about $650 in total. Then went pretty deep in the ipoker $55r but busted with AT <>

Looking forward to blondebash this weekend going down with Horneris, ChipRich, Steelio and TheGib. Probs get hammered and spend loads but itl be worth it.

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